The Importance of Regular Colon Cancer Screenings

Colon cancer is serious, and it can be deadly, especially if it isn’t detected early. That’s what colon cancer screenings are all about. A colon cancer screening can detect early signs of colon cancer, so it can be treated, providing a better outcome for you. Drs. Jason Collins, Harper Massey, and Ting-Hui Hsieh at Carson City Gastroenterology in Carson City, Nevada, offer comprehensive gastroenterology services, including colon cancer screenings.

How Colon Cancer Screenings Can Help You

You should have a colon cancer screening by the time you are 45 years old. You may need a colon cancer screening sooner if you:

  • Have unexplained weight loss
  • Experience chronic weakness and fatigue
  • Experience chronic abdominal cramping and pain
  • Have frequent diarrhea or constipation
  • Experience rectal bleeding and dark, tarry, stools
  • Have a family history of colon cancer

A colon cancer screening is typically performed with a colonoscopy. There are some options for your colonoscopy, which your gastroenterologist can discuss with you. Consider:

A virtual colonoscopy involves swallowing a capsule containing a small camera. The capsule travels down your digestive system and sends images to a device that you wear.

A traditional colonoscopy, which involves using a thin, flexible tube known as a colonoscope. The tube is inserted into your rectum and guided up into your colon. The tube contains a camera, which allows your gastroenterologist to view your colon. This procedure requires sedation.

Remember that you can do a lot to help prevent colon cancer. You should:

  • Eat a high-fiber diet rich in grains and vegetables
  • Reduce your fat intake, including reducing red meat and whole-fat dairy products
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid using tobacco products and consuming excessive alcohol

Want To Know More About Colon Cancer Screenings?

To find out more about the importance of colon cancer screenings, ask an expert. Call Drs. Collins, Massey, and Hsieh at Carson City Gastroenterology in Carson City, Nevada. You can reach them in the office by calling (775) 884-4567, so call today.

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