When to See a Gastroenterologist for Heartburn

If you are experiencing unusually frequent or intense heartburn, your gastroenterologist can help overcome this issue and improve how your gastrointestinal tract functions. Also known as your GI, it includes the esophagus, stomach, intestines and colon. It may come as something of a surprise, but heartburn remains one of the most common gastro-related conditions. Fortunately, Dr. Jason Collins, Dr. Harper Massey and Dr. Ting-Hui Hsieh are available to review your health needs and offer treatments for chronic heartburn at Carson City Gastroenterology in Carson City, NV.

What Is Heartburn?

Some people feel anxious because severe heartburn makes them concerned a heart problem exists. In many cases, it is related to a condition known as acid reflux. The sensation of acid regurgitating feels like chest pains emanating from the heart. That’s because acid makes the esophagus and throat feel like they are burning or tingling. These and other heartburn symptoms usually start after a meal, especially if it is spicy or acidic.

When to See a Gastroenterologist

Heartburn affects about 60 million Americans every month, according to the National Library of Medicine. Many choose to manage the symptoms with over-the-counter medications. However, when the symptoms reach these levels of severity, you should see a Carson City, NV, gastroenterologist.

  • Inability to swallow or take down food.
  • Continuous discomfort throughout the day, even when not eating.
  • Intense pain in the throat or chest.
  • Frequent vomiting.

When over-the-counter heartburn solutions don’t provide relief, a gastroenterologist can prescribe or recommend various options. The first involves reviewing your diet and making modest changes. An endoscopy test can be conducted to examine the esophagus and stomach. Extra-strength prescription antacid medications, including H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors, can be prescribed to control acid production. In some cases, esophageal surgery may be necessary.

Control Your Heartburn Symptoms in Carson City, NV

Gastrointestinal disease continues to pose a health and quality of life problem for too many Americans, which is why getting treatment is essential. If you are dealing with heartburn, contact the office of Dr. Jason Collins, Dr. Harper Massey and Dr. Ting-Hui Hsieh at Carson City Gastroenterology in Carson City, NV, today at (775) 884-4567.

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